
Bernadett Szabados

United Kingdom
Bernadett Szabados
Bernadett Szabados

United Kingdom

Expert bio

Bernadett Szabados is a consultant urological surgeon at the University College Hospital and a senior clinical researcher at Barts Cancer Institute, both in London, UK. She trained in several European cities including Brussels, Belgium, and Munich, Germany.

Her interests span from basic laboratory research to clinical trials in urological malignancies, including but not limited to, renal and transitional cell carcinoma with the goal of individualising and improving care and treatment.

Dr Szabados has participated in over 20 international, randomised phase 3 trials and has been involved in the process leading to the regulatory approval of axitinib/pembrolizumab in kidney cancer and maintenance avelumab in bladder cancer. Dr Szabados is a member of the European Association of Urology (EAU), European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO), and International Bladder Cancer Network (IBCN), and a co-author of the ESMO Bladder Cancer guidelines. She has contributed to more than 30 peer-reviewed publications.

EM-83262 - Date of preparation: November 2021

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